About us

About us

“Sport Line” Ltd is a leader in the production of sports and dancewear from highly elastic materials for men, women and children. Since 1993 we make ballet wear and dance costumes – leotards, unitards, tights, accessories. We are proud of our long-term customers – The State Choreographic School Sofia, The National Opera and Ballet – Sofia and many private schools in Bulgaria and abroad. Ordering from our store you’ll receive competitive prices of our production and maximal attention to your orders. It will be a pleasure for us to answer your questions and to accept your advises.

R-Class was founded in 1991 as a small elite studio crafting professional ballet footwear for soloists of leading Russian theatres.

From the very beginning, the company has progressed incorporate style, developing its original models of pointe shoes and ballet slippers to generate a unique identity.  The whole professional experience inspires the creation of unique models of ballet shoes and high quality, handcrafted production.

The company has a professional reputation because all the workers brought great practical experience from their time in the Industrial workshops of the BOLSHOI THEATRE. Now, most of the academic theatres in Russia use shoes with the “R-class” brand.

Over several years the studio has become a factory producing professional premium quality ballet footwear and successfully competing with leading manufacturers of ballet products.

R-Class delivers the dance shoes to most of the Russian academic theatres and abroad.

1991 – company foundation. Creation of Classic collection based on Bolshoi Theatre pointe shoe models.

1993 - first delivery of R-Class products to Japan.

1998 - R-Class regional office was opened in the USA.
All products for the US market are produced under "Russian Pointe" TM. Till 2023 the products for the US market were produced under “Russian Pointe” TM.

2005 - The creation of the Jewels collection.

2005 - R-Class regional office is opened in Europe.  Europian branch and warehouse located in Bulgaria www.r-class.bg; www.bgballet.com;

2007 - The creation of Spotlight collection.

2018 - The creation of the RC collection.

In 2018 R-Class company has made the manufacturing modernization.

All the model names have been shortened to the special letter codes.

All the previous names since 2019 are used only for pointe shoes of the Russian Pointe brand and belong to the eponymous company, which is an R-Class Company's partner and representative in the USA.


2023 - The R-Class distribution office was opened in the USA.

The official R-Class website in the USA is www.r-class.us  


2024 - Model Rubin moved from collection JW to RC3. 

The model changes its names as follows:


First Rubin FRD

First Rubin FRDL

Rubin RDL

Rubin RD

Rubin 3/4 RDL 3/4

RC 31

RC 31L

RC 37

RC 34

RC 36


Collection and name table:



Russian Pointe names


(old R-Class name till 2019)

R-Class names


(new R-Class since 2024)

Jewels Collection




First Rubin FRD

First Rubin FRDL

Rubin RDL

Rubin RD

Rubin 3/4 RDL 3/4

RC 31

RC 31L

RC 37

RC 34

RC 36






Spotlight Collection














Bulgaria, Sofia 1510, 63 Macgahan str.

Telephone: +359 2 9451505
Mobile: +359 898 682 981
Fax: +359 2 9451506
E-mail: sales@r-class.bg

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